Firmware Update

Recently, HP firmware updates will affect multiple device models using cartridge models CF258, CF259, CF276 and W2020/2030/2040. The use of third-party supplies may be affected. To address this issue, aftermarket suppliers and retailers recommend that users disable automatic firmware updates on the printer. Go to the printer settings and make sure that automatic updates are […]

Can infotech 2020

ASTA Nepal most sincere distributor participated in Can infotech 2020,which in bhrikuti mandap, KTM,Nepal. Timing : 10am to 5pm.Feb 14 to Feb 19 Address: bhrikuti mandap, KTM

ASTA waiting for at 125th Canton Fair

Over 250000 visitors and 27000 exhibitors will attend 125th Canton Fair. Since the successful holding of the first Canton Fair in 1957, it has been more than 60 years of history. It is China's largest, most comprehensive and most colossal exhibition.  And there will be many reasons that we can not miss it. Asta official printing […]

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