HP appeal denied, faces major transparency setback

Italian tribunal upholds €10 million fine for HP, mandates clearer consumer disclosures on printer cartridge compatibility. In addition to the tribunal’s decision in Italy, Hewlett-Packard (HP) finds itself in further legal turmoil as it faces allegations and potential investigations into anticompetitive practices in the United States. The Recycler reports that these allegations assert that HP has been deploying […]

How long do toner cartridges last?

How long a toner cartridge can last includes two indicators. One is the number of papers that can be printed. This is related to the weight and quality of the toner and the size of the toner bin. Generally, when purchasing a toner cartridge, the number of printed sheets will be marked (the international standard […]

Will HP’s economic woes mean higher prices?

Will HP’s economic woes lead to restrictive consumable policies, impacting sustainability and consumer costs. HP is facing economic challenges as indicated by its latest financial results showing declining revenues. In response, HP is reportedly planning changes to its Dynamic Security feature, a move that’s stirring controversy in the consumables market. Dynamic Security, a technology used […]

What affects the life of laser printer toner cartridges?

①: Leave the toner cartridge alone ②: Place the toner cartridge in a high temperature, high humidity, or cold environment ③: Tear off the seal before use ④: Open the toner cartridge light shield and touch the photosensitive drum ⑤: Place the toner cartridge under strong light ⑥: Pile toner cartridges and other chemical and […]

HP’s 50% ink price hike likely to spark outrage

O recente aumento de 50% nas taxas de assinatura do Instant Ink da HP gerou críticas generalizadas, levando os consumidores a buscar alternativas de impressão mais econômicas e sustentáveis. A HP está introduzindo mudanças significativas de preços para os usuários do serviço de assinatura Instant Ink. A partir de 23 de janeiro de 2024, a empresa implementará um aumento notável nas taxas de assinatura em todos os planos. Esse ajuste, […]

How to tell if it’s time to replace the toner cartridge?

Os métodos para determinar se o cartucho de toner precisa ser substituído são: ①Verifique a qualidade de impressão. Se o texto impresso não estiver claro, tiver impressões faltantes, imagens fantasmas, borrões ou cores irregulares, isso geralmente é um sinal de que o cartucho de toner precisa ser substituído. ②Observe a condição da superfície do cartucho de toner. Se a superfície de [...]

Firmware update affects HP LaserJet cartridges

A nova atualização de firmware da HP aciona alertas de “cartucho usado ou falsificado”, afetando vários modelos LaserJet Pro na Europa e na Ásia. A Static Control lançou um boletim técnico alertando sobre uma nova atualização de firmware que afeta a linha de cartuchos HP LaserJet Pro W1490/W1510/W1520. A HP lançou uma atualização de firmware para download manual em 14 de fevereiro, afetando os cartuchos usados ​​com o […]